Title: Not A Used Dog, At All
Author: Carol Erickson
Copyright Date: 2009
Publisher: Author House
Possible Theme: Older Dogs, Black Dogs, Adoption, Puppy Mills, Shelters
Personal Response: Not A
Used Dog, At All is the story
of a little boy named Matt who only wants to buy a “new” puppy at the mall pet
store, not a “used” dog at the local animal shelter. Matt has expectations that
he will only like a new dog. When Matt’s mom takes him to look at the animal
shelter Matt sees Wiggles. Wiggles is an older black dog that needs a home.
Matt and Wiggles have a connection and Matt decides to adopt Wiggles. He only
wants to go to the pet store now to buy dog toys. Matt’s mom and the shelter
worker explains that many puppies at stores come from Puppy Mills, which are
cruel places that don’t need support. Matt realizes he saved a life by adopting
an older black dog and goes home with his “new” dog to start their life
together. I personally love stories that bring to light the undeserved
stereotypes that shelter dogs have in the eyes of some societies. I hear my
students describe dogs they want or have and so many times they are purebred
puppies. I own two shelter dogs and one is black. Black dogs get looked over
because their features can be seen as plain. Looking at my handsome black dog I
see a fun personality and a loving spirit! Go adoption!
Student Journal Entry: Matt and Wiggles are going to make some great
new memories together. Write about some of the things Matt could do with his
new dog! What types of toys and treats will he buy at the pet store?
Activity: Older black dogs and cats are often overlooked at animal shelters. Draw
a picture of a big dog (or cat). First use color pencils to make the dog
rainbow colors. After that color the dog with black crayon. Use a paperclip to
scratch designs on the dog. The designs are meant to represent the dog’s inner
spirit and their desire for a forever home.
Website: Click HERE to see a video interview with Carol Erickson.