Title: Splish, Splash, Splat!
Author: Rob Scotton
Copyright Date: 2011
Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers
Possible Theme: Water, Overcoming Fears, Helping a Friend
Personal Response: Splish,
Splash, Splat is one is the
ever popular Splat the Cat series. In
this adventure Splat has to overcome his fear of water and he finds out that he
has something in common with his archenemy Spike. I adore the Splat series.
They are wonderful for elementary students and preschoolers alike. The story
plots are not difficult to understand, but they touch on subjects like “new
experiences” that become a trigger for discussing background knowledge and
sharing familiarities. You end up rooting for Splat every time.
Student Journal Entry: What was an experience that was tough at first
but turned out to be fun? Write about the first time you remember swimming in a
Activity: What do you think the candy fish tasted like? Make some paper candy
fish. On each fish write a word that describes something tasty.