Title: Pinduli
Author: Janell Cannon
Copyright Date: 2004
Publisher: Harcourt Inc.
Possible Theme: Teasing, Self Acceptance, Hyenas
Personal Response: This story is perfect to introduce if you are
having a problem with name calling and teasing in your classroom. It tells the
story of a little Hyena named Pinduli
that is teased by all the other animals. The climax is when Pinduli realizes that the animals are
making fun of her because they have hurt feeling. It seems all the animals have
been teased at some point. Everybody has gotten their feeling hurt by something
mean being said and this story can help children understand that just because
it was done to you doesn’t mean it is alright to do it to another person. It
also shows that often the “bully” is lashing out because that is what they have
seen done to them.
Student Journal Entry: What could you do if you see someone teasing a
friend or classmate? Write a least one nice note to everyone in the classroom.
Activity: Draw a picture of the Ghost Pinduli
then write a few sentences about what types of food were left for her.
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