Title: What Could Have Happened To Max?
Author: Annemarie Wilson
Copyright Date: 2008
Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing
Possible Theme: Responsibility, Pet Ownership
Personal Response: This book was written to show children that pets
need protection. Many times children (or adults) will get a pet and then
carelessly let them wander around outside alone. Some pet owners don’t even put
a collar and nametag on their pets! This story tells the perils like dogfights,
getting hit by cars, getting sick because they eat discarded trash, or becoming
lost. The pet Max is lucky at the end and his family finds him at the local
shelter, but many dogs aren’t that lucky. It shows children, in a questioning
fashion, what could have happened. This book is tremendous at demonstrating how
pet ownership includes a lot of responsibility and protection of your littlest
furry family members.
Student Journal Entry: Max’s story had a happy ending, yet many times
pets don’t get as lucky. Write down a list of things you could do to make your
house dog friendly. Example: Make sure the fence has a lock, don’t leave small
toys on the floor, put up all cleaning products, etc.…
Activity: Go outside. Get a partner and use chalk to draw a brainstorming web
about Max’s difficulties outside alone. Draw another web that shows things
people could do with their dog while keeping them leashed and safe. Remember
that many of the difficulties could still happen leashed if they were left alone.
Always stay close to your pet if they are having fun outside.
Website: Click HERE to learn about the Georgia SPCA and their programs that
help the community learn about responsible pet ownership.
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