Title: Seriously, Cinderella is So
Author: Trisha Speed Shaskan
Copyright Date: 2012
Publisher: Picture Window Books
Possible Theme: Fairy Tales, Fractured Stories, Point of View
Personal Response: This is Cinderella but told by the wicked
stepmother. This fractured fairy tale is hilarious. Cinderella is portrayed as
a silly girl who loves to talk constantly. The stepmother is portrayed as the
poor target of a chatty storyteller that won’t stop dreaming. The students really enjoy hearing this story
because it makes them think about how the old fairy tales can be retold.
Student Journal Entry: Write another version of Cinderella from a
different character’s point of view.
Activity: Read a classical version of Cinderella and make a Venn-Diagram
comparing both versions (not the Grimm Version…scary).